Zac Morris | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件
May 19, 2021

Preparing For The 2020 Medicaid School Program (MSP)

Need help clarifying the cost report or agreed-upon procedures related to the 2020 Medicaid School Program You're in luck ...
Dec 1, 2020

Episode 261: Government Updates: New Merger & Considerations For 安全的赌博软件

Government entities and small- to mid-sized businesses should start preparing for 2021.
Apr 16, 2020

What Is Life After Coronavirus? HR Compliance In Your Government Entity & New Guidance Of Legislation

View this exclusive webinar addressing issues specifically for government entities amid the COVID-19 crisis.
Nov 20, 2019

How To Spend Your School District’s Student Wellness And Success Funds

SWSFs: What They Are & How to Use Them Are you scratching your head about what to do with the Student Wellness and Success Funds (SWSFs) that just landed in your district’s coffers? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. House Bill 166, which was passed in July 2019, set in motion the effort to allocate $675 … Continued
Mar 5, 2018

episode 123: protect your organization from mistakes, fraud, and more with internal controls

Learn how you can update and improve your internal controls to help prevent fraud at your business.
Feb 28, 2018

Your Lease Is Up

GASB Statement 87 will soon change the way entities account for lease transactions. Keep reading to learn more.
Aug 9, 2017


From the minute you open your doors in the morning until the time comes to close up shop at night, running a successful business means that everybody has a job to do and everybody’s job is critical. Unfortunately, this fact just makes it that much harder to recover from the sting of losing a critical … Continued
Jul 25, 2017

Be Mindful Of Common Financial Statement Mishaps

Now that fiscal year 2017 has closed, consider taking a closer look at your capital assets and debt refunding – critical areas that are known to have more than their fair share of errors. Read on to learn more.
Nov 15, 2016

What Does the Future of Your Medicaid Schools Program Reimbursement Look Like?

To receive Medicaid reimbursement, physical therapy occupational therapy and speech pathology and audiology services will have to be prescribed or referred by a licensed practitioner.
Jun 15, 2016

Who You Contract With Matters

The Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Uniform Grant Guidance establishes key guidelines to point you in the right direction when taking your services out to bid. This list of "do's and don'ts" will help you stay in compliance.
Sep 9, 2014

It’s No Secret – Cost Segregation Studies Can Save Business Owners Money

What if I told you that, if you own real estate, you may be sitting on a mini treasure? The only thing missing is the key – and I know where you can find it. If you have purchased, constructed, remodeled, or expanded your business’ property since 1987 or have updated an existing property at … Continued
Sep 20, 2013

Have You Reviewed Evidence Room Controls Lately

If you went home to find that someone broke in and took your valued possession, you’d notice, right? Would you, or anyone within your organization, notice if something came up missing from your evidence room? Probably not. Often the property and evidence room is a pretty low priority for you in terms of operation, staffing … Continued
May 10, 2013

The Top Five Things You Should Know about the Medicaid School Program Changes

You’ve got two rounds of cost reporting for the Medicaid School Program (MSP) under your belt. You might feel like you should be an old hand at the procedure by now, but process changes keep shifting the sands beneath your feet. Struggling to find terra firma, treasurers everywhere are thirsting for information about third round … Continued
Mar 5, 2008

Understanding Your Letter on Internal Controls

At the end of your audit, you received a Letter on Internal Controls from your auditor. What is this and what does it mean to your organization? One of the fallouts of Sarbanes-Oxley is the requirement of publicly traded companies to maintain adequate internal control systems. And, privately held companies must follow suit. The AICPA, … Continued
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