Anita Martin | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件
Mar 13, 2023

Do You Play By The (Capital Asset) Rules?

Do you have assets that continue to be used well beyond a single reporting period, such as land, land improvements, buildings, furniture and equipment, infrastructure and construction in progress? Then you have capital assets and special reporting requirements. Read on to learn more.
Aug 15, 2019

A Little Appreciation Goes A Long Way

Have you considered the benefits of frequent and ongoing recognition and demonstrations of appreciation?
Jan 28, 2019

How The Partial Government Shutdown Impacts Local Government

How does a government shutdown impact us at a local level? Read on to find out.
Nov 16, 2017

GASB 68: The Good Times Keep On Rolling

If you haven’t already had enough fun working through the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Summary of Statement No. 68 and net pension liabilities then you're in luck. And yes ... you did detect hints of sarcasm.
Aug 5, 2016

Take Control with These Time Management Tips

We all know how easy it is to get caught in a productivity trap – constantly rushing around only to have nothing to show despite your hard work. Read on for four tips to help you get more from your day.
Aug 14, 2014

Preparation Is Key When It Comes To An Audit

Do you find the audit process to be a downright burden? If so, you’re not alone!  Audits are rarely pleasant; however, much like life, an audit is what we make of it. If you’re perpetually burdened by the audit, you may be contributing to the problem without realizing it. Businesses and entities often find themselves … Continued
Aug 31, 2013

How Can Centralized Receiving Improve Your Internal Controls?

Do you have department heads, principals or administrators with the ability to request, receive and approve payments for a good or service? Do you have secretaries, principals, department heads or administrators that are resistant to follow procedures or forget to return the packing slip or receiving copy of the purchase order? If you answered yes … Continued
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